AI in Action: Discover all of Buzzmonitor’s Artificial Intelligence Tools

A pioneer in the market, Buzzmonitor has offered various Artificial Intelligence tools for years, designed to boost engagement and the effectiveness of our clients’ marketing strategies.

From integration with Chat GPT to tag automation, these features assist marketing professionals in their daily lives, increasing productivity, improving customer service, generating new custom reports, automating daily processes, and helping create posts with higher engagement.

Below, we present the main features of Buzzmonitor with AI:


New Feature: AI Insights

Buzzmonitor integrates ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence into customer service, scheduling, and monitoring modules.

In the monitoring module, Buzzmonitor is about to launch “AI Insights,” a tool that generates instant qualitative analysis of the data collected in reports, saving hours of manual analysis with just one click.

This is the first time this functionality is being introduced in the Social Listening module, allowing for quick generation of insights about monitored campaigns. The novelty will be available in March for clients, with additional costs that can be consulted with the Customer Success team and for new clients, who can inquire about this update with their sales advisor.


ChatGPT Integrated into Buzzmonitor

In the customer service module, it’s possible to enhance responses to customers to create more engaging interactions by choosing from options to improve, shorten, or lengthen the text written by the agent.

In the scheduling module, it’s possible to create and improve copies of scheduled posts on the platform with OpenAI’s AI.


Smart Replies

Smart Replies are an exclusive feature of Buzzmonitor, essential for improving the efficiency of the customer service team.

Using AI, the tool automatically suggests responses to frequently asked questions and interactions by consumers. These suggestions are based on responses previously made by analysts in the platform, thus also maintaining the brand’s tone and style.

These suggestions are integrated into Buzzmonitor’s customer service interface and begin to appear after the customer service team has sent the hundredth response.


Tag Suggestions

Tagging social media posts is a task that requires great effort and time from analysts, especially for brands that receive a large number of comments daily. A daunting manual task that here in Buzzmonitor is automated through AI.

To streamline and simplify this task, Buzzmonitor has the Automatic Tagging feature, which is based on artificial intelligence to learn how analysts classify posts from a base of 100 classifications made by the team.

The tagging system learns from the tagging history of the analyzed brand’s posts, allowing it to, when analyzing a new post, suggest up to 3 ideal tags for that post based on a reading and interpretation of the content.

This feature not only saves time for the analyst but also ensures more precise and efficient categorization of social media posts.


Topic Monitoring

With Buzzmonitor, it’s possible to monitor mentions of terms related to a company, product, or event across various social media platforms. This allows tracking the volume of posts about the topic over a specific period.

In this way, it’s possible to monitor which brands are most mentioned or identify the most mentioned artist during a music festival, for example.


Relationship between Topics

Instead of just identifying topics in isolation, it’s possible to visualize how these topics are related to each other. For example, in an analysis of smartphones, you can discover that the “high-resolution camera” topic is frequently associated with the “videos and photos” topic, indicating a strong connection between these two aspects.

This understanding of the relationships between topics allows for a more comprehensive view of consumer conversations and can help identify valuable insights for developing more focused marketing strategies.


Interest Classifier

The interest classifier is another exclusive feature of Buzzmonitor that uses artificial intelligence to identify audience interests, such as “Politics,” “Games,” “Gardening,” “Communication and Marketing,” among others.

The AI can recognize words mentioned in testimonials and bios of profiles mentioning the terms you’re monitoring or mentioning your brand.

This allows your team to obtain valuable insights to understand the universe of users and communicate with them in a more personalized manner. The more aligned your communication is with the context of consumers, the greater the identification, engagement, and lower the risks of crisis.

This approach also drives the creation of new campaigns and products based on audience interests, increasing the chances of success for marketing strategies.


Sentiment Classification

One of the essential strategies of social listening to analyze brand health and the impact of a topic or campaign is to understand the sentiment of the audience about them. Sentiment analysis is a technique that allows identifying whether a phrase or post conveys a positive, negative, or neutral tone.

At Buzzmonitor, we use a set of classifiers based on Bayes’ Theorem to perform this analysis. The AI system is also trained according to phrases previously classified as positive, negative, or neutral, as well as learning from reclassifications made by the team over time.

However, it’s important to recognize that sentiment analysis has its limitations. Words and expressions can have different connotations depending on the context and individual interpretation. For example, in the tweet “this Rosalía song is really crazy, I can’t stop listening to it, help!” Words like “crazy” and “help” probably have more negative connotations than positive ones, however, in this particular message, both are positive.

Although our classifier has a broad training set, it may still not capture all the subtleties of natural language. Therefore, sentiment analysis should be considered as an indicator, with a 70% accuracy, but never as an absolute value.


Gender Classification

Gender classification functionality is often overlooked in social media monitoring, but analyzing this difference can provide valuable insights for your work.

With Buzzmonitor’s Top Bios Search feature, you can understand and filter profiles and interests of those who mention your brand.

To perform this separation by gender, you just need to access the “Edit Report” menu and select between male, female, or unknown. Additionally, it’s important to access the “Variables” tab in the same menu and filter your search by “Unique Users.” This ensures that the results are not influenced by a single user who mentioned your brand multiple times.


Language Classification

The language classification functionality is a type of filter applicable to all interactions on various social media platforms, providing a more comprehensive and accurate analysis. Now, it’s possible to select between languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish.


User Location

The consumer location tool has the ability to identify and categorize user location information discussing a specific brand, product, or topic on social media.

It operates by collecting data on users’ geographical location based on their interactions and posts on social media. In this way, it allows Buzzmonitor’s clients to analyze the geographic distribution of their consumer base, identify regional behavior patterns, and tailor their marketing strategies according to the preferences and needs of different locations.


Buzz GPT

Buzzmonitor recently launched Buzz GPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot designed to optimize and improve digital content creation and generate more engagement on social media. It’s capable of analyzing a database of social media posts and creating unique content based on engagement success patterns.

Buzz GPT indicates to the user the most liked topics, speech tones, types of images, and other elements that have obtained more engagement from the public within the studied database, and generates new posts with text and image, following the best engagement rates and the command given by the user.

Buzz GPT is integrated with OpenAI technology, the company behind ChatGPT and DALL-E, an AI image generator. Additionally, it uses Buzzmonitor’s database to offer strategic ideas in the creation of textual and visual content.

Here at Buzzmonitor, we are always improving the platform with new features and monthly updates. Stay tuned to our blog to not miss any platform news!


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