

How do users feel about your brand? Listen to your mentions on social media to understand users opinions and feelings towards your brand and how it’s positioned,
all of this in real time and from one single platform.

Boost your brand's
growth with data

Keep a close watch on opinions about your brand

Supervising mentions, trends, and terms surrounding your brand will enable you
to understand its positioning on social media and identify new opportunities for growth.

Analyse campaign results

Analyse how your campaigns and activations are performing on social media, identify what works and what doesn’t, in order to optimize your digital strategy using data. 

Anticipate potential crises

Monitor user sentiments towards your brand and detect, in real time, any mention or negative comment that might damage the health of your brand. Use triggers to tackle a crisis while it is still in its embryonic phase, in real time. 


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for your brand!

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Join Buzzmonitor!

Try the tool for 14 days for free and: 

  • Register your brand and competitor brands and start listening to what people are saying about you on social media. 
  • Analyse social media KPI’s to determine the best route for your clients’ business. 
  • Gain an overview of the tool.  
  • Count on our team for support and resolution of queries.

Discover the power of Buzzmonitor with this non-binding offer!