

Schedule the right day and time for posting on your social media pages. Manage teams and approve content, all on one screen.   

Schedule in safety on social media
and create engagement plans

Schedule posts in a few clicks

Automate, centralise and optimise post scheduling on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
and LinkedIn, all on one platform!

Manage your team

Create workflows for scheduled content approval for your brand or agency. You can
also create publishing workflows and use this tool for organising your team of
collaborators by designating who will be in charge of texts, images and post approval.

Schedule dark posts

Programme your brand’s organic posts and dark posts, according to the ideal publishing
schedule for your campaign.

Get organised with a content calendar

Manage your content publishing times and view all your country’s special holidays on one
screen to decide whether or not to include them in your digital strategy.

Use cases

Learn firsthand from our clients how to make the most of the best Social Intelligence tool.  

Content planning
for all social media platforms

Schedule posts on Instagram

Post images on your Instagram profile. 

Create workflows for your team.

View your publishing timeline in a calendar.

Schedule posts on Facebook

Schedule dark posts for your campaign.

Measure post engagement.

Segment your post’s audience. 

Schedule posts on Twitter

Schedule your tweets and measure your engagement. 

Create workflows for your team. 

View your publishing timeline in a calendar. 


Schedule posts on LinkedIn

Select the day and time for publishing your posts on LinkedIn.

Schedule images and videos.

View your publishing schedule in a timeline. 

Companies that are offering a complete experience

These brands already trust  Buzzmonitor

Talk to a specialist now!

Meet with our experts

Shall we start?

Try the tool for 14 days free of charge and: 

  • Save time and effort by automating content publishing on social media. 

  • Approve content and manage teams, all on one platform. 

  • Count on our team for support and resolution of queries. 


Discover the power of Buzzmonitor with this non-binding offer!