
AI Insights: Social Media Reports with ChatGPT Insights

What was good just got even better with the arrival of the AI Insights button in Buzzmonitor! Another AI feature to optimize the routine of social media professionals, agency experts, and data intelligence specialists.

How does it work?

In your Social Media, Listening, or Customer Service report, just click the AI Insights button to access instant analyses. That’s right! In just a few seconds, you’ll get a simplified summary with the key insights from your report, highlighting the most important points.

A great tool with ChatGPT technology to save hours of work and analysis.

AI Insights analyses not only optimize resources but also help design social media strategies, identify the most talked-about topics by consumers, and show action results. Want to see it in action? Check out the analysis generated from our Easter project below.

AI Insights in Practice:

At Buzzmonitor, we created a project to monitor mentions of eggs, chocolates, and bars from March 20 to 27. Then, among the standard reports available in the project, we selected the “Daily Evolution by Social Network” to generate an AI Insights analysis.

Look at the insights we discovered in seconds:

The posts are about Easter eggs and related sweets. The main themes are different egg flavors, such as truffle, Nest with Nutella, brigadeiro, Oreo, and Prestígio. The general audience reaction seems positive, with many comments expressing desire and praise for the products. There is no mention of significant issues or emerging trends in the posts.

AI Insights Report

Did you enjoy learning about AI Insights? On our YouTube channel, you can check out a tour of this feature with our Customer Success Manager.

Note: This feature will be available upon subscription, under applicable commercial conditions. Consult your CS to learn more.

Buzzmonitor is the first social media management platform to integrate ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence.


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