Buzzmonitor and Stone Co Case: Centralized Social Media Management

If you work in marketing and social media management, you have likely faced doubts about how to manage your team’s resources. How to manage multiple social media accounts? What times demand higher traffic? Which channels and clients to prioritize in social media customer service?

These are important decisions that directly impact your brand. Today, you’ll discover how a major brand overcame these challenges using Buzzmonitor’s features.


Challenge: Centralizing Social Media Management for Various Brands within One Company

Stone Co., a Brazilian payment processing company, has several brands in its portfolio: Stone,, and Ton. Each brand focuses on a different financial solution/audience and has its own social media presence.

Operationally, social media management was done by separate teams, and one of the brand’s goals was to make this team of analysts (called “encantadores” at Stone Co.) hybrid. This means training them to serve various brands, which was the decisive factor for starting the partnership between Stone Co. and Buzzmonitor, which began in 2022.

However, this workflow needed to be structured on a single platform to organize resources and:

Optimize the team’s routine;
Ensure consistency in customer service quality;
Define priorities in customer service;
Balance the effort dedicated to each account.
Stone Co. already managed social media with a platform but needed a solution to map data in a visual and dynamic way.

Before using Buzzmonitor, all customer service demand was tracked through reports, which made service slow and did not allow for effective prioritization of handling and resolving more urgent customer demands.


Process: Defining the Team’s New Routines

With a customer service team composed of various brands, Stone Co. faced initial challenges in organizing and properly distributing demands. The arrival of Buzzmonitor in 2022 facilitated this process as it allows separation by brands and networks, in addition to automating ticket distribution.

With automation and the use of service tickets, as well as platform triggers, it was possible to implement a smooth service process. This enabled better and quicker identification of the networks and brands that needed differentiated attention at certain times.

Once these adjustments were made and the “encantadores” were familiarized with the tool, Stone Co. initiated a specialization process for the entire team in the more specific demands, aiming to turn the whole team into specialists in all the products of the three brands. This was called the Hybrid Project.

According to Julia Louro, Social Media Leader at Stone, Ton, and, the fact that Buzzmonitor is a very intuitive platform facilitated the team’s onboarding:

“Within Buzz, we can create dashboards and reports easily, which allows us to track our operation and results in detail. We adapted very well to the platform’s functioning and features. For me, the great differentiator is the support available within the platform. Whenever we need help, whether in daily operations or creating a report, we are attentively assisted by the whole team. They make sure to help us in detail, even sending videos with step-by-step instructions if necessary, to ensure the best understanding. Additionally, they are always open to new suggestions for implementing new features, which greatly enriches our partnership and exchange.”

From this successful partnership, various improvements were implemented. Our greatest achievement was the possibility of forming a hybrid team, providing more flexibility to the operation. We are in the process of training the entire team to fully serve all our brands. With all accounts and data centralized on a single platform, this becomes increasingly easier as our “encantadores” manage to balance their time between social media service and management for all Stone Co. brands, in addition to having a comprehensive view, facilitating the specialization process.


Results: More Strategic Social Media Management

A practical example of the application of the new routines was during the activation of Stone in digital media and television, which generated a significant buzz on social media.

With the major repercussion of the activations, there was a need to handle a high volume of mentions on Twitter, as the brand was in the Trending Topics. With Buzzmonitor’s features, the Stone team was able to:

Quickly classify the sentiment and theme of posts with automatic tags;
Automate processes without the team needing to consult reports;
Organize the service queue with triggers, understanding which networks and users to respond to first;
Free up the team’s space for more strategic discussions.
A guerrilla plan for specific moments helped Stone avoid accumulating a large backlog of mentions for the days following the actions.

In more strategic moments, dashboard data provides a broad view and more accurate decision-making. As Julia states:

“Reports help us track our operation and understand if we need to change course at any point, besides serving as a beacon for our networks, aiding in more strategic decision-making.”

As you have seen in today’s case, centralized social media management allows optimizing marketing routines and preparing it to handle large demands.

By using Buzzmonitor, Stone managed to monitor in real-time and respond to mentions from a national activation while maintaining a healthy operation, without the need to de-prioritize other brands or social networks.

And your team? What major project do you want to execute on social media? What goals do you want to achieve this year? Schedule a chat with our specialists and tell us your challenges.


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