June Updates Buzzmonitor | Check out this month’s platform updates!

To start the month, we have added 10 updates to Buzzmonitor to further optimize your social media management. The new features cover the Monitoring, Customer Service, Analytics Pro, and Scheduling modules. The last update is incredible and will be available on the platform in the coming days! Stay tuned!



✨ Instagram Click Metrics

We have added new metrics and graphs to monitor click insights on the website, in messages, and in obtaining directions for Instagram pages.



✨ Automatic Ticket Distribution [BETA version]

We have added automatic ticket distribution, a new feature designed to increase agility and fairness in ticket handling by analysts.

This feature can be easily activated and configured in the account settings. It will automatically assign new tickets to available analysts, following a circular distribution to ensure that no team member is overloaded.

In user management, you can configure which analysts will receive tickets automatically and monitor their current availability to receive them.

Analysts must adjust their availability when starting their shifts to begin receiving tickets automatically. While unavailable, they will not be assigned new tickets automatically.

Automatic distribution is recorded in the ticket logs, allowing detailed and efficient tracking of the ticket handling process.

The option for analysts to request more tickets manually remains available, regardless of whether automatic distribution is activated or not.

✨ Country Filter for RSS Sources

It is now possible to segment RSS content collected by country in monitoring projects. By default, the country associated with the user’s account will be automatically selected in the filter.

✨ Interaction Block Option in Response

We have added a new option in the account settings that makes the 15-minute block of interactions in response optional. It provides greater flexibility and agility in ticket handling, allowing customization according to the team’s needs.

✨ Active Email Contact

The active contact feature has a new look and new options to facilitate daily communication. It is now possible to start conversations through any email associated with Buzzmonitor with active monitoring, allowing the addition of multiple recipients and attachments.

✨ Personalize User Greeting

It is now possible to personalize the greeting at the beginning of each response, including the user’s name or the @ of the account being responded to. This makes interactions more direct and aligned with the brand’s identity, providing a more personalized and engaging experience for users.

✨ Order of Saved Responses

To improve ticket handling and streamline the use of saved responses, we have implemented the ordering of responses by Creation Date and Alphabetical Order, both ascending and descending. The ordering by creation date will apply only to responses created after the launch of this feature.

✨ Ticket Channel Filter

The ticket channel filter in reports now allows the addition of multiple channels simultaneously, providing greater customization and flexibility in the analysis.

✨ New Options in Post and Ticket Export

It is now possible to send a report export to multiple emails simultaneously, facilitating the distribution and sharing of information.

New data has also been added to the export of posts and tickets in both traditional and simplified versions. They are as follows:

Traditional post export:

ELAPSED_TIME_SECONDS: The time elapsed between the creation date of the interaction and the response in seconds.
COLECT_ELAPSED_TIME: The time elapsed between the collection date of the interaction and the response.
FIRST_RESPONSE_RESOLVED: Interval between the first response to the ticket and the status change to resolved (replaces the column 1_RESPONSE_RESOLUTION).
FIRST_RESPONSE_CLOSED: Interval between the first response to the ticket and the status change to closed.
OPEN_RESOLVED: Interval between the status change of the ticket from open to resolved.
CREATED_RESOLVED: Interval between the status change of the ticket from new to resolved.
PENDING_RESOLVED: Interval between the status change of the ticket from pending to resolved.
CREATION_INTERACTION_CREATION_TICKET: Interval between the ticket creation date and the interaction creation.
TICKET_LOGS: Logs of the ticket associated with the interaction.
DEVICE: Device used by the author of the interactions in the Play Store.
APP_VERSION: Version of the app used by the author of the interactions in the Play Store.
ANDROID_VERSION: Version of Android used by the author of the interactions in the Play Store.
Traditional ticket export:

FIRST_RESPONSE_RESOLVED: Interval between the first response to the ticket and the status change to resolved. Replaces the column 1_RESPONSE_RESOLUTION.
FIRST_RESPONSE_CLOSED: Interval between the first response to the ticket and the status change to closed.
OPEN_RESOLVED: Interval between the status change of the ticket from open to resolved.
CREATED_RESOLVED: Interval between the status change of the ticket from new to resolved.
PENDING_RESOLVED: Interval between the status change of the ticket from pending to resolved.
CREATION_INTERACTION_CREATION_TICKET: Interval between the ticket creation date and the interaction creation.
Simplified ticket export:

Brand Interactions: Total brand interactions in a ticket.
User Interactions: Total user interactions in a ticket.



⭐ Content/Hashtag Suggestions and AI Image Creation

Scheduling will now have new AI capabilities, making it possible to create images from a description or caption and also receive relevant hashtag suggestions for the post.

*IMPORTANT: This feature is not yet available but will be released in the coming days.

We hope you like it! 🧡


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